Two days to go to Apple Day 2016

It’s Friday night and we’re busy making last minute preparations for Cambridge Apple Day this Sunday. The good news is that the BBC is still predicting good weather (phew).


Unfortunately for those last minute scrumpers, Saturday looks like an absolute shocker, with rain predicted to tip it down from early afternoon until late into the night. Don’t let that deter you though. We need more apples, and a little rain never hurt anyone, did it?

Thanks to some sterling work from the Colligans, McBriens, Uptons, Adams, Suttons, miscellaneous neighbours, and the 28th Cambridge cub scouts, we’ve gathered quite a decent pile already, but we definitely need more. See the earlier blog post for advice on scrumping and get out there!

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If you haven’t confirmed you’re coming yet, then please respond to the Eventbrite invite that is languishing in your inbox, or email phil at the usual email address.

We’ll start the fun at around 10.00 a.m. and aim for the first pressing at around 11.00 a.m. after which the press will be running all day, with a short break for lunch at 1 p.m.

We’ll carry on until we run out of apples or steam (usually around 5 p.m.), but we always need a hand clearing up, so please do stick around if you can.

Make sure you bring along a couple of clean bottles to take home some juice, e.g. old milk containers. Give them a good clean in hot soapy water and a rinse. The juice will last a couple of days in the fridge or can be frozen and enjoyed later.

Jane is preparing overnight pork with apple sauce again, ideal when you’ve worked up an appetite pressing apples. The brilliant Balzano’s Delicatessen has donated the bread rolls.

If you can bring some kid-friendly snacks or cake it would help a lot.  There is now an informal Great Apple Day Bake Off, which Kate Wilsher won last year by popular acclaim with her Ginger cake.  Challengers are welcome to try their luck.

We’ve got a couple of barrels of last year’s cider to work through and, of course, there will be many gallons of fresh apple juice. What’s not to like?

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

Jane, Phil and the Cambridge Apple Day crew.

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