Apple Day 2017 logistics

Apple Day 2017 is only a few days away! This is prime scrumping time, see this blog post for advice on collecting and storing apples. We’ve been busy picking apples in some amazing orchards this week:

Beautiful spartan apples look almost too good to press!

The weather has been pretty mixed so we’re hoping for a dry day. The long-term forecast looks reasonable at the moment:

Screen Shot 2017-10-03 at 23.21.41

Fingers crossed it stays that way!

If you haven’t confirmed you’re coming yet, then please email Jane or Phil, it’s really handy for us to be able to plan for catering.

We’ll start the fun at around 10.00am and aim for the first pressing at around 11.00am after which the press will be running all day, with a short break for lunch at 1pm.

We’ll carry on until we run out of apples or steam (usually around 5pm), but we always need a hand clearing up, so please do stick around if you can.

Make sure you bring along a couple of clean bottles to take home some juice, e.g. old milk containers. Give them a good clean in hot soapy water and a rinse. The juice will last a couple of days in the fridge or can be frozen and enjoyed later.

I’ll be preparing overnight pork with apple sauce and sage and onion stuffing as usual, ideal when you’ve worked up an appetite pressing apples!

If you can bring some kid-friendly snacks or cake it would help a lot. Salads also go down well. There is now an informal Great Apple Day Bake Off, we had a amazing spread last year, like Kate’s lovely ginger cake – yum:


We’ve got a LOT of last year’s cider to work through and, of course, there will be many gallons of fresh apple juice. What’s not to like?

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

Jane, Phil and the Cambridge Apple Day crew.

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